Official Launch of 618 B2B Business Matching by MCBC

Official Launch of 618 B2B Business Matching by MCBC

The 618 Shopping Festival went up an ante this morning with the launch of the B2B Digital Business Matching session organised by Malaysia China Business Council (MCBC) with support of Matrade Beijing. 

15 selected merchants were matched with almost 50 distributors from China for online and offline sales. The merchants also enjoy Matrade’s market development grant for their participation fees and benefit from eBizlink initiative. 

The event was officiated by YB Dato’ Seri Tiong King Sing, Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to China who was represented by the CEO of Malaysia China Business Council (MCBC), Mr. Samuel Lee. Our Trade Commissioner in China, Puan Razida Hanim Razak was also present to share Matrade’s support. 

这次的京东 618 狂欢购物节在北京 MATRADE 的支持下,由马来西亚-中国商务理事会所举办的线上商贸对接会成功展开并完成了推介仪式。

我们共有15家商户伙伴与近50家中国供应商在线上线下进行对接。 商家们还享有 MATRADE 的市场开发补助金,并能够在 eBizlink 计划中受益。

此次活动由马来西亚首相对中华人民共和国特使拿督斯里张庆信太平局绅见证,由马中国商务理事会 (MCBC) 总执行长李泰康先生为代表主持推介仪式,以及有马来西亚驻华使馆公使衔参赞 Puan Razida 为本活动给予支持。

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